
SLIP 1999, Monterey, California


Workshop Notes
Day 1: Saturday, April 10
01:00 - 03:00 Session 0
Tutorial: A Priori Wire Length Estimates Based on Rent's Rule
Dirk Stroobandt (Ghent University, Belgium) 
03:00 - 03:30 Break
03:30 - 04:45 Session 1, Opening session
-(03:30 - 03:45) Welcome, Andrew B. Kahng, UCCA
-(03:35 - 04:45) Invited talk: Latency and Rent's Rule, Wilm E. Donath, IBM
04:45 - 06:00 Session 2, Wiring estimations
(04:45 - 05:10) Wire-length distribution of three-dimensional integrated circuits,  Arifur Rahman, Andy Fan, and Rafael Reif 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA) 
-(05:10 - 05:35) Interconnection length estimation during hierarchical VLSI design, Axel Hess and Gerhard Zimmermann 
University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) 
-(05:35 - 06:00) Wiring space estimation in two-dimensional arrays" Jun Dong Cho 
Sung Kyun Kwan University, Suwon (Korea) 
07:00 - 08:00 Workshop dinner
Day 2: Sunday, April 11 
09:00 - 10:00 Session 3, Keynote speaker
XXI Century Gigascale Integration (GSI) : The Interconnect Problem, James D. Meindl 
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (GA, USA) 
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Session 4, Round table discussion on Rent's Rule
-(10:30- - 10:40) Theory of massively interconnected systems and Rent's rule,  Pavel L. Barseghyan 
DAN Technologies Inc. (Armenia) 
-(10:40 - 10:50) What is Rent's rule? Wilm E. Donath 
IBM T.J. Watson Research Laboratory, Yorktown Heights (NY, USA) 
-(10:50 - 11:00) Rent's rule: coincidence or the result of the design process? Dirk Stroobandt 
University of Ghent (Belgium) 
-(11:00 - 12:00) Round table discussion on the position statements 
12:00 - 01:00 Lunch
01:00 - 02:40 Session 5, System Level Interconnect Prediction
-(01:00 - 01:25) Estimating and optimizing routing utilization in DSM design, Philip Chong and Robert K. Brayton, University of California at Berkeley (CA, USA) 
-(01:25 - 01:50) Web-based tools for system-level interconnect prediction, Thomas Grund, Phillip Christie, and Mark D. Butala, Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) and University of  Delaware, Newark (DE, USA) 
-(01:50 - 02:15) System-level performance modeling with BACPAC - Berkeley advanced chip performance calculator, Dennis Sylvester and Kurt Keutzer, University of California at Berkeley (CA, USA) 
-(02:15 - 02:40) Floorplanner 1000 times faster: a good predictor and constructor, A. Ranjan, K. Bazargan, and M. Sarrafzadeh, Northwestern University, Evanston (IL, USA) 
02:40 - 03:10 Break
03:10 - 05:00 Session 6, Round table session on system-level interconnect prediction
-(03:10 - 03:20) Power and area estimation/optimization in behavioral synthesis,  Jun-Dong Cho, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Suwon (Korea) 
-(03:20 - 03:30) Can fast algorithms be used as good predictors? Majid Sarrafzadeh and Maogang Wang, Northwestern University, Evanston (IL, USA) 
-(03:30 - 03:40) On wirelength estimating for hierarchical top-down placement, Alex Zelikovsky, Georgia State University, Atlanta (GA, USA) 
-(03:40 - 05:00) Round table discussion on the position statements 
05:00 - 05:30 Closing session, Dirk Stroobandt (Ghent University, Belgium)


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